How tennis players should train when converting to padel

Tennis players transitioning to padel should practice bouncing off walls, prioritize control and strategy over power, and play as a team. Allowing the ball to bounce off the walls improves comfort and enhances play at the back of the court. Focusing on controlled shots and foot shots can improve control and strategy.

A tennis player-turned-padel-player gets three tips for tennis players making the transition to padel.

The first tip is to get accustomed to the padel court by allowing the ball to bounce off the walls instead of volleying or blocking it before the glass. This practice improves comfort with the glass surface and enhances play at the back of the court.

The second tip is to prioritize control and strategy over power. Hitting harder shots can actually benefit opponents by bringing them closer to the net.

The third tip is to play as a team and move together on the court, filling gaps and communicating effectively. The speaker encourages players to focus on controlled shots during their next padel match, aiming for feet shots and lobbing opponents, to improve control, consistency, and learn tactics and strategy.