VIDEO. Navarro hits hot shot in Asuncion like a boss in Asuncion

Juan Lebron and Paquito Navarro won a double 6-0 match in Asuncion Premier Padel P2, setting a high bar for their future matches.

navarro hot shot in asuncion

In the Asuncion Premier Padel P2, Juan Lebron and Paquito Navarro triumphed in an incredible encounter by a double 6-0, demonstrating their supremacy on the field and raising the standard for their next matches. Unfortunately, neither Ivan Ramírez nor José Jiménez were able to score a single game against them in this match, which speaks volumes about how well-matched the two players are so far in the tournament. Their ability to create a stir among the Padel community is demonstrated by this outcome.

Here is a magic from Navarro playing like a boss.