Pastor about A1 Pádel: “We will be bigger than tennis”

fabrice pastor

Fabrice Pastor is the leader of the A1 Pádel project. The tournament, which can be followed through the Mediaset channels . The project, which began in 2020, has been consolidating within the world of padel tennis.

The Monegasque magnate is the visible face of the A1 Pádel project. And he spoke to ElDesmarque to assess the current status of the project: where it is, the competition with Premier Pádel, the evolution of padel tennis.

Mediaset and A1 Pádel go hand in hand in the development of padel tennis. A commitment that Fabrice Pastor values ​​positively: “I feel at home. We have reached the 110 million impact mark. It is a milestone for everyone,” he says. Remember that all tournaments can be followed on the channels through

It is a project that is advancing by leaps and bounds: “We want to expand the project in Oceania or Asia and establish ourselves in the United States ,” he comments. “It’s a very easy sport to learn,” she says.

Regarding the objectives of A1 Pádel, Fabrice Pastor is sincere: “We want to take padel tennis to the four corners of the world. The expansion is to hold 22 tournaments next year.” And he is clear: “We want to be the largest single circuit in the world,” he confesses.

Fabrice Pastor considers that the growth of padel is unstoppable. And he warns: “I think padel tennis will be better than tennis in a few years ,” he says. I see overwhelming growth. We have a very high number of players in all the tournaments,” he explains.

“padel tennis is very engaging. I’ll give you an example. This year we will have the Chicago Masters and the reception is tremendous,” he comments. Regarding whether it should be an Olympic sport, Fabrice Pastor believes the problem is different: “How can we be an Olympic sport if there is no unified ranking?” he asks. “I wanted to do it and no one on the other side is interested. That’s why A1 Pádel differentiates itself from the rest,” he says.