How to use a chiquita as a defending shot

Hannes from Denmark discusses defensive play in padel, emphasizing positioning, intention, and smart decisions under pressure. He advises players to angle or lock their feet, play a downward shot if the opponent comes forward, or play a deeper shot if they stay at the back. The height and racket touch are also emphasized.

Hannes from Denmark discusses defensive play in padel, sharing insights on two options when an opponent approaches the net: angling up or playing a chiquita.

He emphasizes the importance of positioning and intention, encouraging players to make smart decisions and practice accurate shots under pressure. The trainer in the video provides feedback to a player, commending their shot selection and quick reactions but emphasizing the need to stay calm and make smart decisions under pressure.

The discussion then revolves around defending against a chiquita shot, with pros suggesting that defenders should angle or lock their feet and play a downward shot if the opponent comes forward, or play a deeper shot if they stay at the back. The height of the defender and touching the net with the racket during the shot are also emphasized.