When to use the chiquita and the best tactic hitting a soft ball

The coach emphasizes the importance of using one's strengths in padel tennis, particularly the "chiquita" shot for effective volleys. The tactic involves softly hitting the ball to the opponent's feet, allowing for aggressive play.

The coach discusses the significance of utilizing one’s strengths in padel tennis, specifically the use of the “chiquita” shot to get close to the net for effective volleys. The chiquita shot involves softly hitting the ball to the opponent’s feet, allowing both players to move forward and creating opportunities for aggressive play.

The coach emphasizes the importance of selecting the right ball for executing the chiquita shot and provides tips on defending against it. The players then demonstrate the tactic in action, highlighting the importance of taking the net position when the opponent’s ball is at a suitable height, allowing for aggressive play and putting pressure on the opponent to defend.