Why women love playing padel

woman playing padel

Padel, a racquet sport that combines elements of tennis and squash, has been gaining popularity among women worldwide. Here are some reasons why it’s capturing their hearts:

Social Interaction: Padel provides an ideal setting for women to connect. The tight confines of the court and the doubles format encourage verbal communication with playing partners and opponents. Unlike tennis or squash, where the court is more expansive, padel fosters quick friendships and supportive circles.

Low Impact: Women appreciate that padel is easy on the body. As we age, traditional sports like tennis, football, or running can take a toll. Padel, however, is known for being accessible and gentle on our knees and joints.

Fun and Sociable: Women are discovering that padel is not only friendly but highly sociable. It’s a form of exercise that won’t leave them gasping for breath. Some players become competitive, while others simply enjoy the benefits it provides.

Overcoming Confidence Barriers: Women may hesitate to pick up a racket for the first time due to self-doubt. Providing a welcoming environment, ideally with a female coach, can help build confidence. Initially, it’s less about the game itself and more about belonging and feeling encouraged to give it a try.