Lebron and Di Nenno win their first title in their first tournament together in Finland

lebron di nenno

An incredible start for Martín Di Nenno and Juan Lebrón. The Spanish-Argentine duo was crowned champion of the Finland P2 of Premier Padel, defeating Jon Sanz and Coki Nieto in the grand final by 7-5 6-3. First tournament together and first title for the pair trained by Agustín Gómez Silingo.

Lebron and Di Nenno have rounded off a fantastic week this Sunday in which they have shown that they are in the running for titles, there is no doubt about that. The first has already fallen, even if it was by ‘taking advantage’ of the absence of the top two couples in the ranking, what is clear is that this project is going for everything.

Throughout the week we have seen a much more daring, offensive and aggressive Lebron in his return to the reverse six years later , and a Di Nenno who continues to demonstrate day after day that he is a true lifeline and that, with him in the drive, working on the weekend is almost a normal thing.