Mastering winning padel positions and how to get to the net

Sandy emphasizes the importance of correct court positioning in padel tennis, focusing on both back and net positions. Players should aim for the separation lines or step back from the service line, while advancing to the net should focus on finishing points and maintaining the net. He encourages viewers to sign up for's tactics course or The Padel School+ for more tactical and match play skills.

Sandy discusses the significance of correct court positioning in padel tennis, focusing on both the back and net positions. For the back position, players should aim for the intersection of the separation lines or a step back from the service line and a few steps to the side glass.

This base court position enables players to cover their half effectively and move to hit the ball before returning. When advancing to the net, players should focus on finishing points and maintaining the net while being aware of opponents’ shots and adjusting positions accordingly.

Common mistakes include getting too close to the net and attempting to finish when not feasible. The coach also emphasizes the importance of side-to-side movement at the net, covering gaps with partners, and anticipating opponents’ shots. He encourages viewers to sign up for’s tactics course or The Padel School+ for more content on improving tactical and match play skills.