“We are at a great level, but we want more,” said Fede Chingotto.

Ale Galán and Fede Chingotto, two tournament winners, discussed their mutual opinions, experiences in competition, and Jorge Martínez's role in their relationship.

chingotto and galan

Ale Galán and Fede Chingotto have gotten along from the beginning, and their performance has shown it. After three tournaments together, their luggage consists of two titles and a runner-up.

Following their victory in the Sevilla P2 final, the players had a press conference where they discussed their mutual opinions of one another, their experiences in competition, and Jorge Martínez’s role in their relationship.

Fede Chingotto: “We want more, but I think we are at a great level.” There are a lot of things to polish, therefore we must keep getting better. We were in the final of the previous event, and the day before, we got down to discuss how we might get better and what we needed from each other to benefit more. I think the team’s eagerness really shines through.

Ale Galán: “The M3 project has always been led by Jorge. Though Mariano—for whom I am also very grateful—was with us for a longer period of time, Jorge was always helping us out with daily tasks and game preparation. He has supported me throughout my career and, quite frankly, I will always be grateful to him for giving me the chance to be here. After 13 years of dating, I don’t think their journey would have been the same had she not been by his side.

Fede Chingotto: “I’ve been saying that he is very aggressive, that he is amazing, and that he is a number one.” He is a versatile player who consistently covers a little bit more ground on the field at pivotal situations. In order for him to be able to unleash all of his strength above, I try to offer him everything I have and I am extremely comfortable doing so.

Ale Galán: “I’m meeting this person, so that’s the first thing.” He is highly sensitive and someone who works hard for you; you can tell he gives his all, and for that, I am incredibly appreciative. On the track, all I can do is give my soul to him and stay at his side constantly. I blindly believe in him. Then, in terms of gameplay, he is a fighter, a warrior, electric, I dunno, the super mouse. In actuality, he takes advantage of a lot of his virtues. In my opinion, shorter guys with fewer victories are superior players.To be honest, I am thrilled to be by his side because he has the potential to make me shine and give the game what it requires.”

The entire news conference that Fede Chingotto and Ale Galán gave following their victory in the most recent Sevilla P2 is shown below.