INCREDIBLE STATS. Why Chingotto and Galán were so good in the final of the Genoa P2

chingotto galan

On Sunday it was time for the finals in Genoa, a title dispute that would pit the two pairs that dominate world padel against each other: Coello-Tapia vs Chingotto Galán.

With Fede and Ale leading 4-3 in the head-to-head, the eighth battle between the pairs of the moment arrived. Until now, and except in one case, all the matches had gone to the third set, showing the parity that reigned between both pairs.

However, Jorge Martínez’s men had a different vision of the matter and went out to complete a match that can be considered a first class match. A double 6-1 win over Coello-Tapia in 45 minutes of play is something that has never been seen before, such is the magnitude of the match that the Spanish-Argentine pair played yesterday.

If there is one statistic that stands out in the final, it is the unusual fact that the world’s number two couple committed an unforced error (Chingotto). In matches of this intensity, it is a real pipe dream to consider something like that, another notch in the revolver of a couple that never ceases to amaze.